A school nurse is assigned to each building. When necessary, first aid is administered for minor injuries and illnesses. Careful records are kept in the health office. Parents/guardians are notified immediately of serious illness or injury. As it is vital that the school be able to contact a parent/guardian, please forward any phone number changes, both for work or home/cell, to the main office at your child’s school. The parent/guardian is responsible for transporting the child when he/she is released due to illness/injury.
The school nurse must have contacted a parent/guardian or a designee before the ill or injured student can be released from school.
Anyone displaying a fever, COVID-19 or other flu-like symptoms is required to “stay home” to minimize exposure to others and reduce other health complications until the individual is fever/vomit free for 24 hours.
It is important to note that fever-reducing medications can mask the intensity of the fever while medication is still present in one’s system.
The district nursing staff will be sending students home if they have COVID-19 or Influenza-Like-Illnesses (ILI), especially a temperature of 100 degrees or higher, or vomiting.